Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Rules:: Conventional Infantry

(The rules for recruiting these and such were a little vague... so lets flesh that out.)

Life is Cheap: You can create any infantry you want. In addition, the base cost of Infantry starts at 200cr instead of 2000cr.
This will change if we ever implement maintenance, which is where Infantry should shine in being vastly cheaper to operate. In fact, it might be changed if it is deemed TOO cheap.

Battlemechs are King: All conventional infantry start with a gunnery of 5 regardless. In addition, antimech skill gets unlocked if you pay for it at training.

Some examples of Infantry to start off:
Foot Assault Rifle (Imperator AX-22 Assault) Infantry (28 men): $79,195.95cr
Transport Weight: 3 tons
Damage Type: Ballistic
Base Range: 1
Total Damage: 15
Damage per Trooper: 0.53

Motorized (Wheeled, Combat Shotgun) Artillery Crew (15 men) (1 Thumper, no ammo): $314,496.063cr
Transport Weight: 31 ton
Damage Type: Ballistic
Base Range: 0
Total Damage: 3
Damage per Trooper: 0.2

Note: I highly encourage examination into support weapons and field guns. It provides a cheap way to really amp up the fire power of infantry and might prove useful. Feel free to run any design by me to look it over if you have questions.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

4/23/11 Throwdown

Itar's Aces engaged the Falcon Guard on Blue Hole and saved the Lyran campaign on that world from almost certain defeat. Rather triumphantly, the bondsman managed to take the Dasher she was defeated in and single handedly take down a Puma (through a critical gyro failure) and a Loki (catastrophic ammo explosion near an orphanage due to pilot hilarity and infernos).
One could say she had a grudge to settle for being given Dasher duty.

The rest of the force more or less dissolved for no losses on the part of the Mercenaries. They recieved a Koshi and a Dasher in salvage and 1.6Mcr for the successful mission.

The Clan commander (Hunter, of Turtle Bay Irregulars) and the Clan advisor (Tony, campaign organizer) will be exited out the air lock for poor command and poor advisement respectively. But the next commander will be more awesome.

*cough* waiting on images of that carnage *cough*

So instead of posting images of the fight, I will post a picture of Sarah Mclachlan doing her charity thing.

Every day Loki explosions leave hundreds of dead orphans scattered in the city streets. Do your part and refrain from firing inferno rounds into exposed ammo bins.