Thursday, December 29, 2011

Game day moved to the 8th

Due to the store being closed and multiple scheduling problems, the store game day is moved to the 8th.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

52 Falcon Regulars

Introducing the 52nd Falcon Regulars; a rebuilding front line unit posted to the Inner Sphere territories along the Wolf Corridor. Having participated during Operation Revival, often as a securing force, it was nearly annihilated in the following Refusal War during a series of brutal and nearly inconsequential actions against Clan Wolf. As the 52nd lacks the prestige of more established and bloodied units, they are often seen in delaying, follow up assault, and garrison duties, being snubbed for the more distinguishing actions. It's replacement units and personnel are often trades and second line machine cast offs- often a cause for derision by quoting the unit as "First line in name only".
But what they lack in prestigious equipment, they make up in stubborn crusader determination.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Unit Tabs

If you're feeling artistic, feel free to make a unit tab for your collection. I liked to keep everything tabbed to relevent data with the last campaign, I'd like to continue that.

Like so:

Sunday, December 4, 2011

My Mech is FIGHT

A Battletech fight club is in the works. We are looking at 10k point pick up games for now on the first sunday of the month at the Hobby Town on stage. The closing of Gamerzdepot really throws a wrench in things.

The only persistent thing from game to game will be win/loss records and perhaps kill streaks any one named pilot might be getting.

Stay tuned for further updates as they may come up. Feel free to comment below any thoughts and suggestions. Some people has suggestion playing at their home, and it's certainly something to consider.

Campaign Over

I thought I had posted this, but better late than never.

Itar's Aces handily won the last campaign through some excellent play and strategy. The mercenary command so thoroughly dominated that none of the other commands could hope to be competitive anymore.

Kudos to the Gordon for the win!