Wednesday, June 13, 2012

2nd Sunday Game

Just a reminder, we'll be throwing down dice like we usually are up at Midsouth Hobbies on sunday at 1. Swing by if you want to get your fix in.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Location Change

Given the space has been decreasing, necessity to rearrange the store, and it has been becoming increasingly crowded on the "off day" of Hobby Town (and to some degree but worth mentioning, I have no personal reasons to digress anymore, thank you for everyone's patience). The assumed location of the Battletech Fight Club meetings have been moved to Midsouth Hobbies unless stated otherwise.  They can be found here.

They have proper tables, room, and an assortment of other stuff to support the hobby proper.  It looks altogether pretty promising.

See you there!

Sunday Game 6/3/12

Just a pic from the sunday game. We kicked off the campaign round with 2 probe missions.
Honor dueling like a boss.  It helps that the mercenaries got sent in to probe "light resistance" the regular military probably decided they couldn't find enough volunteers for.

Friday, May 18, 2012


Time to break out the monocles and tea:

The proscriptions of zellbrigen consist of the following rules:
Each warrior will issue a challenge to a different enemy. If one side outnumbers the other, then the extra warriors on that side will stand aside until one of their comrades falls in battle. A warrior can challenge more than one unit at a time.

  • A warrior has right to refuse challenges from Inner Sphere units, especially if underhanded ploys are suspected.
  • A warrior has the right to refuse a challenge from an unit of differing weight class if other unengaged units are available.
  • No artillery or other Area-Effect Weapons shall be employed by either side.
  • Intentionally moving out of the line of sight of the opponent is prohibited.
  • Systems that requires multiple units to operate, like C3 and TAG, are forbidden.
  • Moving out of weapon range is prohibited.
  • Failure to fire a weapon when possible is prohibited.

A warrior is also expected to not retreat from inferior foes, or to engage his opponent in melee combat, though these are not part of the formal rules of zellbrigen. Also, though it plays a central role in Clans' combat challenges, the ritual of batchall remains a separate tradition.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Rules Discretion: Moving on Pavement

Despite having a great grasp on most of the rules, I still get them wrong some of the time, so always feel free to call me out on them.  Regardless, I tend to check these things out at the end of the game to make sure they are being executed right.  And guess what I found on moving on pavement:

Ground Vehicles: Ground vehicles moving on pavement may receive a movement bonus of 1 MP, regardless of whether the vehicle uses cruising or fl anking movement. To gain the extra MP, the unit must begin its turn on a paved hex and continue to travel on pavement for the entire Movement Phase. 

The operative here is VEHICLES and cruising or flanking movement.  Neither of which happens to mechs. So kudos to Ernie for making mention of it.  I'm not sure how I remembered that detail incorrectly.  Atleast we were consistent on that game.  That's what matters most.
I owe you a coke man.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sunday Game is go 5/6/12

By all accounts the monthly fight club game is still go for this sunday at Hobby Town.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

4/15 @ HobbyTown

Some of us have expressed interest in getting a game in at the usual venue this weekend. I'll be there, feel free to come on by and throw some dice down.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Sunday Recap

Good game guys. Next time lets split up the maps a bit to get a little farther a long.

Interesting notes:
"Cheaty Tech" was used 0 times after the BV adjustment discussion.

We got to turn 4 and ironically did more this go around than the last time.

See you guys next meeting.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sunday Game 3/4/12 Is ON

The Sunday game is still scheduled at 1:00pm at Hobby Town per usual. Looks like we might have a good turn out.

If at all possible, I'd like to demo the orbit to surface assault. It should be pretty straight forward with the defenders dropping off the drop ship in their pods and mostly a formality of stepping through the atmospheric entry rules.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Sunday Recap

As the invasion drags on into its second month, the 51st Falcon Regulars dispatched a patrol to Hilltop 0203 to investigate a seismic disturbance. Finding the Kiryu 08th Strike Lance already on site, the alert fighters on CAP were dispatched to support the engagement.

Fracas on the hill top. A moving smoke cloud deployed by the Dracs drastically changes the tempo of the battle.

Battered and bloodied the Falcons were forced off the hill having fought nearly to the man and forcing a near similar exchange in combat losses from the Draconis lance.

Post Mortem:

This was the first time I used Aerospace in about 10 years.

And while I was expecting something like this:

You know, BAD ASS.

Instead I got this:

Looking back at what we might have done wrong in the foreaye into aerospace, I got a few things wrong.

1. Units with damaged avionics/sensors can't fly NOE. This might have been a problem if the last aerospace unit managed to live much longer, but it was forced away.

2. Damage against SI is halved on aerospace fighters.

3. A roll of 12 is a "golden BB" for the aerospace fighters.

4. Loss of Avionics is a control roll like losing a leg actuator. (The book lists the Avionics as being able to be hit 3 times... but the sheet only had one square...)

5. Strikes cannot be done at NOE. They also lose an altitude after doing it.

6. Firing arcs for ground to air attacks are decided by their orientation to hex 0909.

7. You apply the Angle of Attack modifier for ground to air attacks just like shots between aero units.

8. When a defending ground unit shoots at an aerospace unit that is attacking him, they use the Above/Below hit table.

All in all, not a bad first run. The end result isn't much different from how we played, but we can redress it in the next scratch up. I'd like to use the advanced AA rules in Strat Ops though. It calculates based on the closest approach of the craft as opposed to hex 0909 and adds the velocity of the craft to the to hit number.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Picking up objects/ Sunday Game Day

Sunday Game Day is still a go.

I will be bringing Aerospace to test out those new rules. If anyone wants, we can do straight air to air games.

Also, regarding picking things up and changing the rules. Even though it used to be a 1mp and piloting skill roll in the past, per TacOps pg. 92 on picking up inanimate objects:

"Regardless, the unit must be in the hex with the
object during the Physical Attack Phase; if the item is only “level
1” in height, the ’Mech must be in a hull-down position (see Biped
’Mech under Hull Down rules, p. 21) to pick it up.
Like finding a club, when attempting to pick up an inanimate
object, the unit may not fire weapons or make physical attacks
during the turn."

Effectively, you just enter the hex and wait till the physical phase to pick it up. I suppose that makes sense since you don't pay MP to punch or kick either.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Scenario List

A forum member over on the Battletech Forum made a neat scenario list I'd like to work over. I've wanted to adapt the FoW excellent scenario system. Maybe we can work up this thing.

Link to the right.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Code of Play

My apologizes, I thought this was on the site, but it seems I only circulated to a few people. Check out the code of play on the right. It's nothing major, just a brief heads up on the rules that tend to get used for the unfamiliar.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Mid South Con

It's official, I've been accepted to run a Grand Invasion Battletech Scenario at Mid South Con. We will go from orbit to surface LZ in one go. All that's needed is a 15k painted force.

Anyone want to help playtest the scenario? I need to get more aerospace experience under the belt.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Some aids

Unit Selector
A fairly comprehensive web based selector for a large fan run compilation of faction assets. Ever wanted to know who used what? This is pretty much the place to get it without headache.
There used to be another version of it on the publisher website. It's inferior to the above though.

Master Unit List
For all your BV needs.

Game Day 1/8/11

Some pics from yesterday's game over at Hobby Town.

First game was the hold the line scenario. The scenario has some real balance issues I think. As the defender was IS and had some low point units, It was prohibitively difficult for the defender to win as the offense sunk a lot of points into a few clan mechs. It meant that in order to win, the defender had to hunt down the elementals AND kill a few mechs... and there was no incentive by the offense to even present the elementals as a target.
Or to rephrase, the Defender didn't have to kill his equal number per se, he had to take out over 150% of his BV just to get close.
Or are we reading the wrong?

And considering the resilience of the Jade Falcon Fire elementals, it would have been tedious had it played out.

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Axe wielding midget out of friggin NO WHERE.
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Pristine Orion goes down in the first shot by a lucky head cap from a Warhawk-C. PAINFUL. It just goes down from here.
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JadeFalcon shifting left and splitting the defenses piecemeal.
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Right flank breaks down and scatters attempting to pull in the penetrating clan elements.

At this point we called it. It was pretty apparent that if the defender got ONE point it would be by luck alone. We still had some time to do an interesting game. So we re-cocked it real quick for a game of "Capture the Giant Miniature RadioActive Space Hamster".
The game disentegrated to LOLs.

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Hamster at the snap.
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Clan player picks up the hamster and runs. IS player starts realizing the value of numbers as the clan player has too many targets to respond.
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Carnage comes full circle as mechs start falling in a brutal grudge match. Mechs are overheating, PSRs PSRs EVERYWHERE. The dead pile up in quick succession.
The Warhawk-C dies on principle (with its juiced pilot it was 4100pts of slow moving target).
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The ball is resnapped and picked up by the hiding Dasher. But players are getting incapacitated faster than they can be accounted for. One clanner player was close to loosing his entire team to a recreation of "Man Getting Hit By Football."

Store was closing so we called. Only the proxied clan got a point, so he wins the match. I'm sure he'll have a lot to reminisce about in the ICU with his buddies.

Great game, looking forward to the next session with hopefully some more balanced scenarios.