Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ad Duwayd:: Immediate Dispersment




SOURCE A: *STATIC/GUN FIRE SOUNDS* We're pulling back. We aren't getting paid to die here! We've lost Bruce, James, Chase*STATIC*Nick is still missing... *STATIC*
SOURCE B: Hold your position Robinson-If you and your men don't hold the mercenaries back we won't have time to repair the Misdemeanor or the Belligerent!
SOURCE A: Negative, we give you enough time and you'll leave without us! JES*STATIC*
SOURCE B: Hold them back and on the Vigilante Justice's honor we will-
SOURCE A: -BURY OUR CORPSES? You cons never meant to get us out of here! They brought a damned Awesome! AN ASSAULT MECH! It took James's leg off! We're against ASSAULT MECHS Rodney!
SOURCE B: -So help me if I see you or your crew here before the techs finish the maneuver drives, I will order the drop ships to shoot you my self.
SOURCE A: Same difference to me and my men, we're coming back!
SOURCE B: We're dispatching the remains of Far Land's men. Just buy us more TIME!
SOURCE A: Say what you will, we're- I'M -not dying on this sad rock.



Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mercenary Company: Itar's Aces

Black Knight BL-12-KNT $7,460,250
Blackjack BJ-3 $3,592,375
Clint CLNT-2-3U $3,951,080
Vulcan VT-5M $3,789,100

Itar 3/4
Apollo 3/5 $210000
Cortex 4/5 $150000
Fugly 3/5 $210000

MG Ammo 1 tons 1000
armor standard $10k/ton 8 tons 80000
Medium Laser 4 160000
PPC 1 200000
Medium Pulse Laser 2 120000
Small Laser 1 11250
double heat sinks 5 30000
Single heat sinks 2 4000

Total $19,696,055
Treasury: $30,945


Monday, March 21, 2011


Feel free to make a better banner.


CPLT-C1 Catapult! 3014 PRODUCTION! RUNS LIKE NEW! $4,999,999.00
CGR-1A1 Charger! PICK UP CHICKS! $6,499,999.00


Sunday Orders:: 032011



031911 Al Duwayd: An unamed mercenary group and the Moonlit Wind took on pirate clan resistance during a moderate rain. Resistance proved stiff at first but Mercenary command took the field claiming a Blackjack, Firestarter, Stinger-5R, Jenner, Assassin, and a Mongoose. Most captures were the result of leg failures, and in one instance, an Awesome completely taking the leg off a mech in a single kick.

Pirates are making a play at hitting the light assets on the right flank, its a gamble.

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And the gamble is lost, the pirate light assets make a stand to make time for the slow mediums to make it off the board. They pay for it with their lives.

Mercenary losses were light. No mobility kills were recorded but Moonlit Wind suffered extensive damage to one of its Panthers and a significant level of damage to its Grand Dragon.

And not quite the mech I remember, but hey, still... it... is... my... favorite mech.

Unnamed Mercs gets 210,000cr in escrow for fielding 1 Assault (120k), 1 Medium (60k) and 1 Light (30k). Bonus payment for destroying a Firestarter (350k) and a Stinger (200k) comes to 550,000cr.

Moonlit Wind gets 270,000cr in escrow for fielding 1 Heavy (90k), 1 Medium (60k) and 3 lights (120k). Bonus payment for destroying an Assassin (400k), Jenner(350k), Blackjack (450k), and Mongoose(250k) totals to 1,450,000cr.


All participating pilots get 1xp, the Commando pilot and the Ronin Ryu Taigi earn an extra 1 point for their valor.

032211 Edit: Updated for Kenny pointing out the Assassin kill.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Mercenary Company: Moonlit Wind


Previous officer and mechwarrior to the DC military, Ryu Taigi was injured in the last engagement he served with the military. Due to an extended period in the hospital and recouping from his wounds, the DCMS discharge Ryu.

After a year recovery, Ryu Taigi titled himself Ronin and with his pension and a moderate loan, established the Moonlit Wind (Tsukikage Kaze) Mercenary Company.

The company started with him, and two fellow officers from the DCMS, peer Ayami Kyudo and a recon pilot Satomi Usagi. In a few short sorties for the DCMS, Ryu Taigi acquired the finances to field two green pilots, Tomo Tenshi and Nobuo Dorobo, as well ordered two refurbished Panther from the DCMS.

Now, the Moonlit Wind Merc. Company left DC territory and set up a base of operation on Outreach, bidding its service, strength, and honor to whomever pays.





Grand Dragon DRG-1G


Trebuchet TBT-5N


Jenner JN7-F


Panther PNT-9R


Panther PNT-9R


Mech/Vehicle Total


Ronin Ryu Taigi (Crackshot I, Survivor) 3|4


Ayami Kyudo 3|5


Satomi Usagi 4|4


Tomo Tenshi 4|5


Nobuo Dorobo 4|5


Personal Total


2x PPC


5x Medium Lasers


1x LRM-15


1x LRM-10


1x SRM-4


Parts Total


2t SRM-4


2t LRM-15


1t LRM-10


Ammo Total


Total Expenditures




Thursday, March 17, 2011

Inception: Example "Veln's Vindicators"

Name: Veln's Vindicators
Background: Encouraged to spend their remaining cash prudently after accruing a string of crushing gambling debts, the Veln's Vindicators mercenary company is little more than a cover for the real reason they chose to ride in war machines. Their occasionally well armed debtors insist that they have outstanding business to discuss.

Leader: Veln Befian (3/4) (Caffeine Junky, Watch Your Back, Confusion)

Starting Funds: 20Mcr

Starting Purchases:
Stinger STG-3R $ 1,614,240.00
Vindicator VND-3L $ 3,524,370.00
Crusader CRD-7L $ 6,277,260.00
Crusader CRD-7L $ 6,277,260.00
Total $17,693,130.00 (2,306,870.00 remaining)

Mechwarrior ("Apone" - 4/5)$150,000.00
Mechwarrior ("Vasquez" -4/5)$150,000.00
Mechwarrior ("Hicks" - 4/5)$150,000.00
Total $750,000.00 (1,556,870.00 remaining)

10 Tons LRM-15 Ammo $ 300,000.00
2 Tons Machine Gun Ammo $ 2,000.00
5 Tons Streak SRM4 Ammo $ 270,000.00
10 Tons Std. Armor $ 100,000.00
5 Tons Stealth Armor $ 250,000.00
3 Md. Lasers $ 120,000.00
Total $1,042,000.00 (514,870 remaining)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Falcon Incursion

World Name: Blue Hole
Star Type (Recharge Time): K7V (198 hours)
Position in System: 4th
Time to Jump Point: 3.70 days
Number of Satellites: None
Atm. Pressure: Standard (Breathable)
Surface Water: 67 percent
Recharging Station: Zenith
HPG Class Type: B

Gravity: 0.81g
Atmosphere: Caustic/Tainted (pg. 56 TacOps)
Average Temperature: 41 Degrees Celsius (Warm-Temperate)
Onsite Stores: 3025 tech at 200% cost.

Mission Type: Defense
Resistance: Average (+0%)
Composition: Clan Jade Falcon/ Front Line
Confidence: Good (+/- 5%)
Refit: Maintenance Facility (-2)
Retainer per mission: 100,000cr/per weight class
Bonus: Retainer times number of successful missions (minimum 0). To be paid on extraction.
Salvage: Lights and Mediums
Length: Undetermined.

Falcon raids have begun all along the Lyran border in what is expected to be a push on the temperate back water world of Blue Hole. Mercenary contracts are being filled as fast as they can be assigned to provide a stalwart resistance to this dangerous foe. Casualties are expected to be high. Lyran command is preparing for a long war of attrition and is committing a wide variety of resources to meet the clan threat. The battlescape is currently fluid. Airspace in the theater is in contention.

Backup conventional assets from the Lyrans will be deployed in assistance of mercenary commands needing backup in the form of random heavy tank platoons at the cost of 100,000cr per tank and 300,000cr per assault tank.

Planetary Conditions (pg. 61 TacOps):

2 - Night, Moonless
3 - Night, Moonless
4 - Night, Moonless
5 - Moderate Rain
6 - Clear
7 - Clear
8 - Clear
9 - Clear
10 - Clear
11 - Clear
12 - Night, Moonless, Moderate Rain

Current Mercenaries on Contract:

Static Defense

This is a special mission available to all contractors and is meant to be a sort of cheap down time.

Units assigned to a static defense mission must be declared and goes into effect the sunday it was declared. Those units are then assumed to be performing mundane defense contracts for that week and are within immediate resupply from Outreach (no need to track munitions... etc.).
Static defenses can be purchased and installed with any unit that has performed static defenses for more than 1 week. Static defenses take 1 week to install.

The pay is a flat 10,000cr per weight class for the week with no option for enemy salvage.

Opposing Forces:
As an option, other mercenary commands may take up OpFor at their discretion (or whim). In such an event, OpFor will consist of 70% to 120% (determined randomly, try 60% + 1d6 x 10%) of the defending player's unit tonnage (not installations). Of this tonnage, OpFor may select a random (non-Clan) unit table and roll till the appropriate tonnage has been fullfilled.

Alternatively, he may instead deploy any units he has on Outreach. Though unless stated otherwise, this is done "pro bono" with no chance at enemy salvage.

For every 15 unit tons that the defending player deployed, play a CF 30 building on the board arrayed however the defender chooses.

OpFor decides which of the following missions are played after buildings are placed.

Recon Raid:
Defender starts with half his units shutdown. They activate on a 5+ in the end phase.

Defender gets 5 points for every enemy unit destroyed.
Attacker gets one point once for every building that one of their units gets within 3 hexes of in the end phase.
Attacker gets 2 points for every building destroyed.

Defender sets up half his units hidden.
Attacker wins if half the buildings are destroyed or the defender retreats.

The defender continues to get his flat pay if he wins. If he looses the engagement, he receives nothing for that week.
If OpFor wins he gets the value of the defender's pay for that week's defense contract.

Ad Duwayd:: Pirate Hunting

World Name: Ad Duwayd
Star Type: M8-IV
Position in System: 2
Time to Jump Point: 6 days
Recharging Station: None
Planetary Chairman: Murrabi Shor
StarPort Class: A
Population: 1,063,000
Water Coverage: 42%
Percentage and Level of Native Life: 5%, Insect

Gravity: 0.91g
Atmosphere: Caustic/Tainted (pg. 56 TacOps)
Average Temperature: 25 Degrees Celsius
Onsite Stores: 3052 tech at 150% cost.

Mission Type: Search and Destroy
Resistance: Poor (-10%)
Composition: 3025/Mechs
Confidence: Good (+/- 5%)
Refit: Maintenance Facility (-2)
Retainer per mission: 30,000cr/per weight class
Bonus: 10,000 X unit tonnage destroyed.
Salvage: Yes
Length: Till 4/3

Ad Duwayd is an unpleasant and relatively barren world. It is known mostly for its ceaseless cloudy skies, acid rains and poor atmosphere. This quality has garnered Ad Duwayd the reputation of being the dumping ground of society and remains largely unvisited by even local travelers. Significant political unrest has plagued the administration of Ad Duwayd in recent years and is characterized by their complaints of a dissonant, culturally removed, and unsympathetic regional government.

Recently pirates have been using Ad Duwayd as a base of operations from within the Inner Sphere from which they have been launching attacks along the Qandahar Prefecture. Although the pirate naval assets have been largely routed from the system, and their morale and command chain broken by the DCMS, A significant but disorganized force has been dug in on Ad Duwayd with speculative local support. Tackling the remaining pirate clans rooted on Ad Duwayd has been left to mercenary contracts on an as needed basis.

Planetary Special Condition:
The clouds of Ad Duwayd present a special condition for sorties through it's atmosphere by way of interference. Treat all hexes of the low level altitude map as though shooting through light woods.

Planetary Conditions (pg. 61 TacOps):
2 - Night, Heavy Rain, Moonless
3 - Night, Moonless
4 - Night, Moonless
5 - Moderate Rain
6 - Clear
7 - Clear
8 - Clear
9 - Light Gale
10 - Moderate Rain
11 - Heavy Rain
12 - Gusting Rain

Current Mercenaries on Contract:

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

XP, Healing, Salvo Size


Experience points are gained per Total Warfare pg. 40. XP can be spent on either quirks or skills.


Assuming there is a rest and refit sequence between games, pilots are assumed to heal 2 wounds. Between campaigns, pilots fully heal.

Salvo size home rule:

Salvo size roll gets a plus mod equal to how many points the pilot is below 4.

Salvage, Selling


Salvaged units immediately fielded with the pilot from another unit of the same type during a campaign gain the trait “Confused”.


At the beginning of every turn roll a D6. For every increment over the turn number he applies that mod to all rolls. The ”Confused” trait is lost any time the pilot successfully rolls a 1 on the first turn or whenever the campaign ends.

Selling Equipment:

For simplicity sake all units that haven’t had any equipment removed that are shipped back to Outreach are worth 75% of the sale price if it still has 75% of its original movement points. It’s worth 50% if it has 1 movement point. And it’s worth 25% if it is technically not immobilized. It’s worth 10% as scrap otherwise. All of this assumes it is still a fieldable unit and isn't missing something like a cockpit of the center torso wasn't cored. It's worth mentioning that units destroyed in ammo explosions or are cored out in area effect weapons are not salvageable per StratOps.

All equipment sells back to the market at a quarter of its value.

Repairs, Reloads, Customs


After every battle, it is assumed that the players have some method of recouping from the last battle unless otherwise stated (such as after disastrous defensive actions or botched planetary landings). After every battle, new critical hits can be repaired on a roll of 7+ modified by the conditions found on page 171 of the StratOps book. A failed roll means that the equipment cannot be rigged back into functioning and needs to be replaced wholesale at cost. Internal structure can never be repaired in the field and requires a factory environment to take place. It is mended automatically on Outreach for free. Missing and replacement internal sections that have been completely destroyed need to be purchased per StratOps pg. 180. These sections are too time consuming to be replaced in the field and must be done at Outreach. Armor is replaced in whole ton lots. All repairs are assumed to be instantly completed and ready for the next game.


Ammo is replaced in whole ton lots or not at all.


Class A and Class B refits (pg. 188 StratOps) are perfectly acceptable and capable of being performed at Outreach should the player have the equipment to do them. Attempting to do them in the field requires a repair roll, failure just means the mech is out of action for that week and for any remaining games.

Something more significant such as a Class C or Class D requires a custom order from the factories and distributors of Outreach. Such orders requires a week with the unit in question and 20% of the final unit cost plus the cost of the equipment. The unit gains the quirk, “Working the kinks out”. The unit looses “Working the kinks out” after a week and on a successful repair roll while at Outreach (only 1 roll per week) or after rolling less than the number of games the unit has been used in during deployment with a 2d6.

Custom unit fabrication can be done by paying a 25% service charge for the first unit and 15% over cost for every unit after that for that order. These units gain the quirk, “Working the kinks out”. These units loose “Working the kinks out” after 2 weeks and on a successful repair roll while at Outreach (only 1 roll per 2 weeks) or after rolling less than the number of games the unit has been used in during deployment with a 2d6. If any of the units have successfully worked the kinks out, and still works, future orders of that unit do not have this quirk.

Working the kinks out:

At the beginning of every game, roll for the result of floating critical(s). Ammo bins and weapons do not explode, they merely cannot be used or ejected for the duration of the fight. On a result of 12, in addition to the 3 criticals, the unit starts the game shutdown and needs a piloting roll on the end of every turn to continue operating or shutdown again. These effects do not carry from game to game and must be re-rolled every time.

Updated: 032311


Mission/Campaign Contracts:

Campaign contracts will be posted every Sunday where available. They should include a bit of fluff regarding the on going situation and the climate regarding the armed forces staying there such the availability of air support and the capabilities of the armed forces. An observation of current force strength and confidence will also be included. They will also include a random weather table to determine the atmosphere of the planet for any given skirmish. Mission pay will vary and occur on a per unit per engagement basis as a retainer. Often there will be bonuses for successful completion of objectives as described in the campaign profile. The mercenary command will be paid at the end of the contracted campaign. Salvage and other benefits are typically posted in the mission profile.

For instance, a defense contract on the distant Federated Commonwealth world of Memphis against periphery bandits might yield $10,000 per light unit fielded. Over the course of 5 games, the mercenary command would have been awarded $50,000 for the service of 1 Locust.

Generating Scenarios:

The GM has discretion in scenario type and play, though missions should be thematic to the type of game being played.

Force composition and balance will be done on a tonnage basis as compared to what the players have elected to field. The composition of the tonnage will be dictated by the campaign profile. As such campaigns described as being against Clan front line units should be terrifying on the field and reservist conventional arms units will present easy pickings. Pay will be proportionate to the risk. In addition the units will be given either a bonus or handicap in tonnage as referenced in the campaign profile.