Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Salvage, Selling


Salvaged units immediately fielded with the pilot from another unit of the same type during a campaign gain the trait “Confused”.


At the beginning of every turn roll a D6. For every increment over the turn number he applies that mod to all rolls. The ”Confused” trait is lost any time the pilot successfully rolls a 1 on the first turn or whenever the campaign ends.

Selling Equipment:

For simplicity sake all units that haven’t had any equipment removed that are shipped back to Outreach are worth 75% of the sale price if it still has 75% of its original movement points. It’s worth 50% if it has 1 movement point. And it’s worth 25% if it is technically not immobilized. It’s worth 10% as scrap otherwise. All of this assumes it is still a fieldable unit and isn't missing something like a cockpit of the center torso wasn't cored. It's worth mentioning that units destroyed in ammo explosions or are cored out in area effect weapons are not salvageable per StratOps.

All equipment sells back to the market at a quarter of its value.

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