Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ad Duwayd:: Pirate Hunting

World Name: Ad Duwayd
Star Type: M8-IV
Position in System: 2
Time to Jump Point: 6 days
Recharging Station: None
Planetary Chairman: Murrabi Shor
StarPort Class: A
Population: 1,063,000
Water Coverage: 42%
Percentage and Level of Native Life: 5%, Insect

Gravity: 0.91g
Atmosphere: Caustic/Tainted (pg. 56 TacOps)
Average Temperature: 25 Degrees Celsius
Onsite Stores: 3052 tech at 150% cost.

Mission Type: Search and Destroy
Resistance: Poor (-10%)
Composition: 3025/Mechs
Confidence: Good (+/- 5%)
Refit: Maintenance Facility (-2)
Retainer per mission: 30,000cr/per weight class
Bonus: 10,000 X unit tonnage destroyed.
Salvage: Yes
Length: Till 4/3

Ad Duwayd is an unpleasant and relatively barren world. It is known mostly for its ceaseless cloudy skies, acid rains and poor atmosphere. This quality has garnered Ad Duwayd the reputation of being the dumping ground of society and remains largely unvisited by even local travelers. Significant political unrest has plagued the administration of Ad Duwayd in recent years and is characterized by their complaints of a dissonant, culturally removed, and unsympathetic regional government.

Recently pirates have been using Ad Duwayd as a base of operations from within the Inner Sphere from which they have been launching attacks along the Qandahar Prefecture. Although the pirate naval assets have been largely routed from the system, and their morale and command chain broken by the DCMS, A significant but disorganized force has been dug in on Ad Duwayd with speculative local support. Tackling the remaining pirate clans rooted on Ad Duwayd has been left to mercenary contracts on an as needed basis.

Planetary Special Condition:
The clouds of Ad Duwayd present a special condition for sorties through it's atmosphere by way of interference. Treat all hexes of the low level altitude map as though shooting through light woods.

Planetary Conditions (pg. 61 TacOps):
2 - Night, Heavy Rain, Moonless
3 - Night, Moonless
4 - Night, Moonless
5 - Moderate Rain
6 - Clear
7 - Clear
8 - Clear
9 - Light Gale
10 - Moderate Rain
11 - Heavy Rain
12 - Gusting Rain

Current Mercenaries on Contract:

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