Monday, April 18, 2011

FWL: Insurrection

"The LIAO AGGRESSION must be stopped! At all costs if need be! While we, the proud citizens of our now fractured Free Worlds League, piddle away our time with our very own neighbors in pointless conflicts, the Cappellans have found the time to seize world after world of our very own birth right to seed their own desires in greed and malice! Just yesterday we received word on the HPG grid that Cappellan forces are martialling against the world of Suzano. Are their grain shortages not enough? A father must now choose between feeding his family or clothing them. Generous League aid shipments are arriving as fast as they can, but its not enough. And did they not suffer enough already when they overthrew their imposter dictator just 2 short years ago? Their price for freedom has already been paid in blood and sweat! Yet the LAIO, who seek only to increase their backwards fiefdom and bring us honest civilians into treacherous serfdom, wish to add another world to their family dynasty capitalizing on the spilled blood of honest League citizens. That very same father, whom is choosing between food and shelter, is now pressed to another end! Safety or DEATH! He must face enlistment in the planetary militia or face certain enslavement of his family to work in the Cappellan slave mines like so many before him! This CANNOT STAND! WE ARE THE LEAGUE! We do not stand by idly while so many good citizens face the axe of a cruel oppressor!

Fight them I say. Fight them in the air, on the ground, and on their very own soil!"
- Marcus Vigile, FWL Senator- interview from "Hamilton LIVE"

Sponsorship from various undisclosed agencies within the FWL are recruiting well equipped "aid workers" to perform "humanitarian" activities within the Cappellan Confederation world of Yunnah under a strict non-disclosure and non-official basis. Acceptance of contract in no way guarantees extraction or aid in event of failure.

Mission Type: Guerrilla Warfare
Resistance: Variable
Composition: Variable, Planetary Militia/Mercenaries
Refit: Field/Non-existant/Unsupported
Support: Initial insertion via Trans-Star Care Packages dropships. Local rebel support consisting of infantry.
Retainer per mission: None.
Bonus: 100Mcr to be paid on successful Insurrection.
Salvage: All
Length: Undetermined.

Mission pay depends on contract assignment taken.

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