Monday, April 18, 2011

Yunnah Campaign

The Yunnah Campaign is a player driven target based campaign between two sides (Rebels vs. Garrison).

The objective of the Rebels is to successfully cause an insurrection of the world by defeating the Garrison's means of controlling it. They do this by performing the insurrection mission or by rendering the entire mercenary garrison force inoperable. The Garrison's objective is to ground the Rebels into a non-effective fighting force until they leave the world.

Mission selection is decided by tracking initiative. The rebels start out with 3 initiative and so long as they have initiative to spend, they may select the target/scenario. If they ever have 0 initiative or less, the Garrison may select a mission from it's list. Rebels earn 1/2 initiative per weight class for every unit forced into a forced withdrawal but loose 1/2 for each unit of their own damaged and scored in the same way.

The Garrison thus usually defends and the more the rebels get battered, the more they loose initiative (loosely represented as repair time and public opinion).

Before scenario selection, the Garrison must decide what assets he is going to deploy to guard which targets. Then the Rebel player chooses the target he is going to attack with what assets he decides to use against it.

For simplicity the rebels can only strike 1 target at a time. Undefended targets are assumed destroyed. If so desired, players can move on and declare the combat to be fluid and move to the next target during any session, but the week does not move forward nor is ammo considered expended for the Rebels.

Rebel Perks:

Recon: Before choosing a target, the rebel player may always choose to use any unit with a cruise/walk movement of 6 or better to recon. If he does so the unit may not be used in the following combat. If the unit has a Beagle active probe, the Garrison must show what he has chosen to defend with. If not, roll 2D6, on 6+ the unit returned with the data. Otherwise, the unit is MIA for the combat and did not return with target defense data.

Informant: A flat fee to rebel informants of 100,000cr can always be paid to get recon information of the target.

Rebel Artillery: Using a series of liberated rocket batteries the Rebels have become adept at firing a few salvos from the mountains before abandoning the equipment and the eventual retribution. The Rebels may always elect before a battle to spend one initiative to get a (4|7) battery of 3 Arrow IV launchers firing cluster rounds 10 maps away. If on a spotting roll of 2-3, they have abandoned the tubes and cannot be used again for this battle.

We Have the Time: The Rebels may always opt to fight during the night or day when attacking.

Rebel Training: The Rebels may always opt during a week of inaction, to train the locals to fight. Doing so will create 1 (5 gunnery) XCF equipped rifle foot platoon of 28 men in the rebel service for free. They may recruit additional foot platoons for 10,000cr each for a maximum of 4. For an extra 30,000cr each, they may be standard SRM, LRM, or MG infantry.

Sabotage: During any week in which the Garrison opted to Loose Face, the Rebels may spend 1 initiative and sacrifice a Yunnah Rebel infantry unit to attempt to destroy the reconstruction effort. On a 4+ with a 1D6, the target remains destroyed. The rebels must choose how many attempts they will make against any 1 reconstruction before they roll.

Uprising: The Rebels may always spend an initiative to get 1d6+1 (4|7) XCF rifle foot platoons setup hidden at the target of choice when attacking. They setup after the Garrison has deployed.

Garrison Perks:

Rebel Scum: Captured enemy pilots and crew are killed even if they successfully eject but are on board at the end of combat.

Elastic Defense: Though units not assigned to a target do not start on the board, they arrive on the turn 10 minus the walking/cruising MP of the unit. Subtract 2 from the MP if it is any non-mech, non-VTOL MP unit. Add 1 to the MP if it is a mech with jumping MP. (IE a Wasp will respond to the conflict on turn 4, and a Awesome would arrive on turn 7). Aerospace assets always enter on turn 1 of the aerospace low altitude map so long as the starport is operational. Otherwise they enter on as normal with half fuel.

Artillery Parks: The Garrison may always opt to keep a unit off board if it started in Elastic Defense defending another target. That unit is assumed to be 6 map sheets away.

Divisional Support: For every turn after turn 10, the Garrison may roll a die. On a 6, a 4|5 Po Heavy tank has arrived on their side of the board and operates under forced withdrawal. After turn 15, the new Po Heavy tanks reinforcements become Behemoths.

"Surplus" Equipment: The Garrison may purchase any standard equipment at cost. Po Tanks may also be purchased on world (though experienced crews may not).

Loosing Face: The Garrison may give the Rebels a point of initiative during any non-combat week in return for allowing Quickscell corporation to hastily reconstruct a damaged target. The target takes 1 week to repair.

Air Superiority: So long as the starport is operational, the Rebels may not get any off world support after the first insertion and may not use hot drop rules even if they have a drop ship. They may not leave the world either using any means.

Questionable Loyalty:The Garrison may opt before scenario selection to payoff a rebel informant for 100,000cr. If so optioned, roll 1D6 and subtract the Rebel's current initiative. On a 3+, or a 6, an additional amount of equipment equal to the tonnage, or any 1 unit, already at the target (and may have even been deployed elsewhere) can setup hidden on the defender half of the board.


Garrison: The rebels always have the option to attack the garrison directly. If they do, the garrison will always deploy with all of its assets on his half of the board. After deployment, for every unit, roll 1d6. On a 5 the unit starts out in Elastic Defense and taken off the board. On a 6, it is on board and shutdown. It will activate on a 8+ during the end phase. In this scenario, roll for Divisional Support from Turn 1 on.
If the Garrison ops for the informant, they may still setup as normal with units shutdown and in Elastic Defense. However, units in Elastic Defense are instead setup hidden and the shutdown units may activate at the end phase of any turn.
Alternatively, if this mission is selected the Garrison has the option to forgo its Divisional Support and may instead do a stand up fight with the Rebels with all of its forces. In this Search and Destroy mission the rebels may setup half their units up hidden on their half of the board with the others. The garrison's informant has the effect of revealing 1d6 hidden units of the garrison's choice after they have deployed.

StarPort: The hub of commerce and the principle means of authoritative control over Yunnah. The Starport contains 500cf worth of hardened buildings that need to be destroyed for it to be considered inoperable. The Rebels earn 2 initiative for destroying.

Geo-Thermal Plant: This 300cf light building powers most of downtown Sindh. Loosing it would be a huge disgrace for the Garrison. The Rebels earn 2 initiative for destroying it. In addition, the elastic defense for the Garrison arrives 1 turn later than they normally would due to the diminished infrastructure. Civil unrest prevents the upgraded Behemoths from ever arriving in Divisional support as they are otherwise used in peace keeping, and instead get Po Heavy Tanks per normal.

Cappellan PR Building: A 100cf building located in down town Sindh, When not the focal points of parades and faux accolade, it's usually pretty sparsely defended. The Rebels earn 2 initiative for destroying it. In addition, when recruiting rebel infantry, they 1 free infantry in addition to the normal allotment.

The Quickscell Mines: A series of 50cf buildings in the northern mountain ranges, the Quickscell Mines present an easy prey for the Rebels. The Rebels earn 100,000cr for every destroyed building.

Insurrection Mission: If the Rebels have 7 or more initiative, they may attack the palace. The palace estate in the southern ranges represents the epitome of authority on Yunnah. It is a 400cf building that must not be destroyed. Rebel infantry must enter it and keep it free from Garrison control for 5 consecutive turns.

Garrison Operations:

Search And Destroy: The Garrison mobilizes into the wilderness to cut off their base of operations. The Mission is a standup fight, with all Rebel cargo at stake, against both forces unless the Rebels opt to flee. If they do, it becomes a chase and the Rebels must use cargo carrier rules regarding their own equipment. The Rebels loose an initiative if they withdraw for any reason, but gain 4 if they win the fight.

Cull the Unrest: The Garrison mobilizes to quell the rioters and suspected dissidents directly and permanently. A series of 2d6 30cf buildings must be nominated on the board. For every building destroyed, the Rebels loose 1 initiative. The Rebels use the "Elastic Defense" Garrison rules. If they have any Rebel trained Yunnah infantry, they setup in the buildings.

Emergency Evacuation: If the Rebel Initiative is -5 or greater, or the last fight was a Seach and Destroy where the Rebels lost, the Garrison may opt to shove the Rebel mercenary assets off world. Play the scenario using Chase rules with the Rebels using cargo carrier rules for their assets. However instead of exiting off board, the mercenaries must contract a sufficient number of drop ships for the emergency evacuation that begin play on the opposite board. Anything not collected before lift off is salvage for the Garrison.

Edit: 041911, Rebel Infantry recruitment numbers updated, increased. Garrison Informant altered to allow for use on a 6 and clarified hidden unit tonnage. Altered MP allowances in Elastic Defense. Free infantry allotment added for destroying the PR building. Geothermal plant altered to slow down response from Garrison, reduce the availability of assault tanks. Added Loosing Face for Garrison. Add Sabotage for the Rebels. Undefended targets and target resolution clarified. Artillery Park added for Garrison.
Edit: 050311, Changed rebel init scoring for causing forced withdrawals. Removed Rebel mandatory init loss. Added optional discretionary mission for garrison when it is the target of a Rebel attack (it boils down to having immediate support and shutdown units, or searching for the rebels with all your units and they setup hidden).
Edit: 061611, Kenny pointed out an artifact in the infantry process where the rebel infantry start out better than trained infantry. It's been fixed to 5 gunnery - no AntiMech Skill.

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