Monday, April 18, 2011

World: Yunnah

World Name: Yunnah
Star Type: K3-III
Position in System: 6
Time to Jump Point: 3 days
Recharging Station: None
Population: 843,000
Allegiance: Cappellan

A largely uninhabited world, Yunnah recently became a large medical/repair/recovery world for persons and machines seriously injured in combat. It has the distinction of being relatively untouched during the Jihad and the center of attention because of it. An influx of tourism and industry to the world has encouraged the local populace to voice their previously unheard sentiments of the Cappellan Confederation.

Agricultural development is minimal, nor are there significant coordinated plans to develop the mineral loads in the vast mountain tracts that cover most of Yunnah's land area. Some seafaring activity exists on Yunnah, but it appears to be part of a quasi-religious movement based as much on spirititual harmony with the elements as on extracting a living from the sea.

Planetary Conditions (pg. 61 TacOps):
Yunnah is always enundated in a fairly cold winter like climate. Treat all non-paved hexes as containing thin snow.

Roll Twice (2D6) (once for time of day, again for condition):
Time of Day: 2-8: Day, 9-10: Night (Full Moon), 11-12: Night (Moon Less)

Freezing: The temperatures have dropped to -30C or more. Vehicles loose 1 cruise MP, non-XCT conventional infantry cannot be deployed, -1 heat for other units.

Wilderness: The map is considered to be covered in the vast overgrown taiga woods. All clear hexes are now considered level 1 woods and woods hexes are upgraded to heavy woods and ultra heavy respectively.

Thin Ice: All level 1 water hexes are covered in ice (see pg. 50 TacOps).
Thick Ice: All water hexes are covered in ice (see pg. 50 TacOps).

2 - Blizzard.
3 - Thick Ice, Freezing, Wilderness, Moderate Snow
4 - Thick Ice, Freezing, Wilderness, Light Snow
5 - Thick Ice, Freezing, Wilderness
6 - Thin Ice
7 - Clear
8 - Thin Ice
9 - Thick Ice
10 - Thick Ice, Freezing
11 - Thick Ice, Freezing, Deep Snow
12 - Thick Ice, Freezing, Wilderness, Deep Snow

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