Thursday, April 14, 2011

Rules:: Dropship Perks, IS repair

Immediate Disbursement:

During the week in which you used a dropship for transport, the cargo it carries can be used immediately for that week in the destination that it was sent.

Thematically though, I suggest hot drop missions from that ship and its mechs for the week.


The owner of a drop ship may always option for their mechs to be hot dropped onto the target area.


Mechs repaired with the dropship cubicle bays are always assumed to be available for mechs to be repaired up to the capacity you have available. I.E. 4 cubicles can repair 4 mechs for that week. This allows the mods for dropship repairs to be used when otherwise field or worse may be used.

Field IS Repair:

Internal structure repair (and limb replacement) can now be done in the field when dropship or better facilities are present. Doing so must be announced on the campaign impulse that it will done in and takes the mech (and respective cubicle) out of service for the duration of that week.

Notes: These are some things we've been discussing, hopefully it will bring some use to dropships and keep more mechs in the fight longer. ( and you know... actually document this stuff.)

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