Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sunday Orders:: 041011

Sunday Orders:: 041011

Assassin ASN-21 arrives on Outreach using civilian shipping.

$353,000cr is spent in civilian shipping sending the company back to Outreach.

Turtle Bay's MON-66 and STG-5R make it to Outreach using civilian shipping.

$240,000cr is spent in civilian shipping sending the company back to Outreach.

The bulk of Itar's Aces' equipment make it to Outreach successfully using civilian shipping.


Moonlit Wind and Turtle Bay Irregulars are dispatched on Al Duwayd to halt the last desperate attempt by the pirate clans to leave the world. Reduced through constant infighting to a core group of regulars and the well equipped members of Rodney's Raiders personal contingent, the band made a raid on a local dropship component warehouse in an attempt to replace critical maneuver drive components that had been damaged in a tragic Mr. Pibb related accident and prevented the dropship Misdemeanor from fully acting in the conflict in the skies above.

This fortuitous drink spillage had cast the Misdemeanor from becoming orbital wreckage and into a potential last saving grace for the Pirates. This is a desperate gamble for the now loosely aligned group. Loosing here means an eventual confrontation with a DCMS firing squad. They do not operate under forced withdrawal.

The local militia is operating a Calliope in the area. But between their indiscriminate firing discipline and poor training they unreliably hit nearly everything in their vicinity.

Due to the ponderous and slow nature of the assault mech that the Turtle Bay Irregulars fielded, the Pirates got a free turn of movement. They seized the initiative with early grabs at the parts contained within the warehouses.

The battle goes well for the Pirates at first as the handless mechs are bid into the meat grinder to buy time while the more capable machines raid the warehouse. But time runs out as the machines are reduced to slag and the Turtle Bay Irregulars begin to take the hands off of all the remaining raiding mechs. The Turtle Bay Awesome pays its weight back many times over, absolutely raking the armor off of every Pirate mech under its cross hairs.

But the Pirate's pull part after part off in multiple runs as they run interference against the main body of mercenary units. It comes down to the wire with the battle nearly lost for the Mercenaries when Moonlit Wind attempts to cripple the remaining mech with hands in a charge.

He fails. And assessing the damage, the Moonlit Wind subsequently withdraws from the field.

Pressing on the attack the Turtle Bay Irregulars hold the field dealing crippling blows to the rest of the Pirate forces, but not before pressing hard to stop the remaining Pirate Pheonix Hawk with their damaged Commando in one last bid to turn the tide, and loosing it in return fire.

The Pirates just barely get the parts they need and flee off world.

Moonlit Wind earns 120k (60k TBT-5N, 30k JR7-F, 30k PNT-9R) in retainer for the mission.

Turtle Bay Irregulars earns 210k (120k AWS-8Q, 60k DV-6M, 30k COM-2D) in retainer for the mission. A bonus of 600,000cr is paid out for destroying 60 tons of Pirate assets. In addition for holding the field, they now have a damaged custom Locust and a Whitworth WTH-1H.

All pilots get 1xp. Ayami Kyudo gets an extra XP for noble but flawed heroism in what could have been the defining moment of resistance. "Mark Walhberg" and the Commando Pilot both get an extra for displaying above par heroism and, in the case of the Awesome, nearly holding the entire flank by himself. (Can you kindly send me the names of your pilots again?) :)

As the campaign has ended, the escrow accounts are paid out and the mercenaries are kindly asked to leave the hollowed Draconis ground immediately.

Note: (This can be redressed to different locations, I'm assuming a trip back to Outreach for refit. A new campaign will be setup shortly. Also, restate any sales now that the actual mechs are on Outreach in case you changed your mind.)

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