Monday, April 4, 2011

Sunday Orders:: 040311


Moonlit Wind recruits Ally Mae 4|5 and Yuk Foo 4|5 on Outreach, $300,000cr. A jenner leg for a JR7-D was purchased on Outreach for $316,192cr.

Also purchased on Ad Duwayd:
15t Standard Armor $187.5k
4 Heat Sinks $10k

Assassin ASN-21 to Outreach $45k.

Total Costs: $858,692cr

Turtle Bay Irregulars ships its Stinger STG-5R and Mongoose MON-66 back to Outreach. Civilian transport costs $45,000cr. Mention was made to purchasing equipment off of local market to repair mechs. The clerks assume its 20 tons of standard armor @ 12.5k each.

Itar's Aces pulls most of its forces off of Blue Hole toward Outreach leaving behind the Black Knight and the spare hardware. Civilian transport costs $155,000.00.


Itar's Aces (Gordon) hot dropped onto Blue Hole interdicting a Clan Jade Falcon Recon element (Kenny).

Putting up stern resistance the Itar's Aces punish the clan with an early loss of a Dasher and brutalizing a Puma. In return the mercenaries face nearly crippling damage across the board. Rebuked at the river crossing the Puma makes a running gun battle and narrowly escapes off the board to complete its objective. The Cougar avoids the river and swings wide right. The mercenary Clint attempts to interdicts the Cougar and ends up in a gun to gun battle with it. Despite the heroism he looses the mech in the attempt.

The clan succeed in taking most of their forces across the board for a marginal victory. The clan commander avoids being thrown out the air lock for what started out as a near catastrophe.

Itar's Aces earned $900,000cr paid out immediately since he is withdrawing. Salvage was one Dasher Prime. Itar's aces earned Jolanta 3|4 as a bondsman to Itar (went ahead and rolled for it, 8+, rolled 8. Gordon made a good point about it and it has literary precedent. Though in the future there may be more concrete rules, feel free to suggest any.). All pilots earn 1xp with the Clint pilot (Cortex?) getting another for his aggression.

Moonlit Wind earned $500,000cr (retainer for 5 light assets) for playing OpFor and winning.

Edit: 4/4/11 13:43 - Change up in shipping for Itar's Aces, Incorrect shipping tonnage.

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