Thursday, December 29, 2011

Game day moved to the 8th

Due to the store being closed and multiple scheduling problems, the store game day is moved to the 8th.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

52 Falcon Regulars

Introducing the 52nd Falcon Regulars; a rebuilding front line unit posted to the Inner Sphere territories along the Wolf Corridor. Having participated during Operation Revival, often as a securing force, it was nearly annihilated in the following Refusal War during a series of brutal and nearly inconsequential actions against Clan Wolf. As the 52nd lacks the prestige of more established and bloodied units, they are often seen in delaying, follow up assault, and garrison duties, being snubbed for the more distinguishing actions. It's replacement units and personnel are often trades and second line machine cast offs- often a cause for derision by quoting the unit as "First line in name only".
But what they lack in prestigious equipment, they make up in stubborn crusader determination.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Unit Tabs

If you're feeling artistic, feel free to make a unit tab for your collection. I liked to keep everything tabbed to relevent data with the last campaign, I'd like to continue that.

Like so:

Sunday, December 4, 2011

My Mech is FIGHT

A Battletech fight club is in the works. We are looking at 10k point pick up games for now on the first sunday of the month at the Hobby Town on stage. The closing of Gamerzdepot really throws a wrench in things.

The only persistent thing from game to game will be win/loss records and perhaps kill streaks any one named pilot might be getting.

Stay tuned for further updates as they may come up. Feel free to comment below any thoughts and suggestions. Some people has suggestion playing at their home, and it's certainly something to consider.

Campaign Over

I thought I had posted this, but better late than never.

Itar's Aces handily won the last campaign through some excellent play and strategy. The mercenary command so thoroughly dominated that none of the other commands could hope to be competitive anymore.

Kudos to the Gordon for the win!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Sunday Orders:: 061811

Sunday Orders:: 061811


*Queue Starship Troopers Klendathu disaster tune.*


Almighty and most merciful Father, we humbly beseech Thee of Thy great goodness to restrain this immoderate weather with which we have had to contend. Grant us fair weather for battle. Graciously hearken to us as soldiers who call upon Thee, that armed with Thy power, we may advance from victory to victory and crush the wickedness and oppression of our enemies and establish Thy justice among men and nations. Amen.

The weather's perfect. Cod, get me that chaplain. He stands in good with the Lord, and I want to decorate him.
--General Patton, the day after the Weather Prayer worked

...History is replete with significant disasters and successes at the hands of the weather. And as the opening fight on Yunnah started in a blizzard near the geo-thermal plant, it repeated itself.

The entire fight can be summed up in one simple equation. Take a standard pilot from Moonlit wind, a 4|5, in the back bone mech of the unit, a Panther.

On average, he was faced with a +4 mod for jumping (hilly terrain, avoiding concentrated fire) and the weather conditions at either range or within the minimum of the PPC. But by comparison an average unit from Itar's Aces, whom energy weapons and fast moving mechs was the order of the day, faced a relative -3 mod (pulse weapons, computers, better pilot).

In summary, it was a disaster. The Panther couldn't fight in close combat. The Trebuchet and other hard hitting units relied on missile weapons that would never hit because of the blizzard. And the infantry were stuck un-deployable due to the lack of extreme cold weather gear. Evacuation of the on board infantry assets were considered, but abandoned due to the imminent risk of a landed VTOL being shot at.

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The opening moves left the infantry huddled up in the GeoThermal plant avoiding the extreme conditions of the outside blizzard. Not long in Itar's Aces began spotting with the helicopters and raining artillery on the plant. The lone panther (Tomo) on the objective began a running battle harrying the oncoming forces. Battered and having successfully distracted a couple mechs, he would go on to go toe to toe against a clan Black Hawk and several other mechs simultaneously.
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But it was for naught, the reinforcements arrived too late and too few. Their Grand Dragon, despite leaving a dent in the position of the Itar's Aces, suffered a catastrophic fusion containment failure and began limping early on in the fight. By the time the breaking point had been reached, the Moonlit wind did not have a viable way to leave the field and pleaded for a truce or faced complete dissolution.

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In return for granting the functioning panther (whom had been fighting since turn 1) and leaving the salvage material of the another panther, the Moonlit Wind exited the field. They lost their 2 jenners to artillery fire. Their pilots Satomi and Ally were killed.

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Moonlit Wind gets 1.8Mcr for fielding that day. Tomo gets an extra experience point for holding the field despite enormous odds till negotiations forced him to dismount. One of the Ripper VTOL crews gets the other for effectively controlling the tempo of the game.

The next game will be the insurrection mission. In place of the Garrison's mercenary assets, the defenders will be consisting of the divisional reserves (po tanks, Behemoths, and the odd pre-3058 reservist).

All in all, it was among the best Battletech games I've ever played with the game hanging on a knife edge for almost 5 turns. (And many apologies, SHAMEFUR DISPRAY!, to Kenny whom I proxied for and nearly took his company down to a lance.) My strategy merely fell completely apart when the Grand Dragon crippled sooner than expected and Gordon played a good game using his forces to his strengths by staying close and focusing his fire. He even successfully second guessed the Moonlit Wind's strategic setup.
That and the blizzard completely hosed the Moonlit Wind force setup.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sunday Orders:: 060711


Nothing? There was mention of purchasing something but, either I can't find the email or it wasn't requested. Either way, send it in man.

Among the fuming wreckage of past victories that lay strewn in the parking lot of the mercenary command arrives a Rommel Tank, a Wasp-1W, 2 Toro TR-A-6's, and a Hetzer wheeled assault gun.

Quite a bit of activity, check the updated command standings.


The attack halted on Blue Hole, the Clan Assault falls to a route as the cluster can't afford to grind against the newly reinforced Lyran elements. Itar's Aces leads the charge to the final drop LZ as the Clan star makes a desperate bid for time.

It falls apart rapidly as the early failures cause the whole of the clan firepower to fall apart. A lucky head shot to a Nova struck the first blow in the opening turns, followed by another that would eventually claim the Vulture. Both kills brought on by the Fugly.

"Just the two of us! WE CAN MAKE IT IF WE TRY!"

The Thor, suddenly alone, cut off, and facing life in a solohma unit or worse even if he survives, bids for honor and like a cornered animal takes down 2 IS mechs before succumbing to failure himself.

Itar's Aces pull in 3.3Mcr for the mission (1.1Mcr for retainer, 2.2 for bonus) and salvages a Black Hawk-Prime. The Cougar is too badly damaged to recover and is sold for scrap on the spot for 596,000cr. Everyone gets an experience point including Fugly, which gets 2 for his ferocity.

Moonlit Wind pulls in 1Mcr for fielding OpFor.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Rules:: Conventional Infantry

(The rules for recruiting these and such were a little vague... so lets flesh that out.)

Life is Cheap: You can create any infantry you want. In addition, the base cost of Infantry starts at 200cr instead of 2000cr.
This will change if we ever implement maintenance, which is where Infantry should shine in being vastly cheaper to operate. In fact, it might be changed if it is deemed TOO cheap.

Battlemechs are King: All conventional infantry start with a gunnery of 5 regardless. In addition, antimech skill gets unlocked if you pay for it at training.

Some examples of Infantry to start off:
Foot Assault Rifle (Imperator AX-22 Assault) Infantry (28 men): $79,195.95cr
Transport Weight: 3 tons
Damage Type: Ballistic
Base Range: 1
Total Damage: 15
Damage per Trooper: 0.53

Motorized (Wheeled, Combat Shotgun) Artillery Crew (15 men) (1 Thumper, no ammo): $314,496.063cr
Transport Weight: 31 ton
Damage Type: Ballistic
Base Range: 0
Total Damage: 3
Damage per Trooper: 0.2

Note: I highly encourage examination into support weapons and field guns. It provides a cheap way to really amp up the fire power of infantry and might prove useful. Feel free to run any design by me to look it over if you have questions.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

4/23/11 Throwdown

Itar's Aces engaged the Falcon Guard on Blue Hole and saved the Lyran campaign on that world from almost certain defeat. Rather triumphantly, the bondsman managed to take the Dasher she was defeated in and single handedly take down a Puma (through a critical gyro failure) and a Loki (catastrophic ammo explosion near an orphanage due to pilot hilarity and infernos).
One could say she had a grudge to settle for being given Dasher duty.

The rest of the force more or less dissolved for no losses on the part of the Mercenaries. They recieved a Koshi and a Dasher in salvage and 1.6Mcr for the successful mission.

The Clan commander (Hunter, of Turtle Bay Irregulars) and the Clan advisor (Tony, campaign organizer) will be exited out the air lock for poor command and poor advisement respectively. But the next commander will be more awesome.

*cough* waiting on images of that carnage *cough*

So instead of posting images of the fight, I will post a picture of Sarah Mclachlan doing her charity thing.

Every day Loki explosions leave hundreds of dead orphans scattered in the city streets. Do your part and refrain from firing inferno rounds into exposed ammo bins.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011



Pinto Attack VTOLs! FRESH PAINT!$1,500,000.00





*Some assembly may be required.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Yunnah Campaign

The Yunnah Campaign is a player driven target based campaign between two sides (Rebels vs. Garrison).

The objective of the Rebels is to successfully cause an insurrection of the world by defeating the Garrison's means of controlling it. They do this by performing the insurrection mission or by rendering the entire mercenary garrison force inoperable. The Garrison's objective is to ground the Rebels into a non-effective fighting force until they leave the world.

Mission selection is decided by tracking initiative. The rebels start out with 3 initiative and so long as they have initiative to spend, they may select the target/scenario. If they ever have 0 initiative or less, the Garrison may select a mission from it's list. Rebels earn 1/2 initiative per weight class for every unit forced into a forced withdrawal but loose 1/2 for each unit of their own damaged and scored in the same way.

The Garrison thus usually defends and the more the rebels get battered, the more they loose initiative (loosely represented as repair time and public opinion).

Before scenario selection, the Garrison must decide what assets he is going to deploy to guard which targets. Then the Rebel player chooses the target he is going to attack with what assets he decides to use against it.

For simplicity the rebels can only strike 1 target at a time. Undefended targets are assumed destroyed. If so desired, players can move on and declare the combat to be fluid and move to the next target during any session, but the week does not move forward nor is ammo considered expended for the Rebels.

Rebel Perks:

Recon: Before choosing a target, the rebel player may always choose to use any unit with a cruise/walk movement of 6 or better to recon. If he does so the unit may not be used in the following combat. If the unit has a Beagle active probe, the Garrison must show what he has chosen to defend with. If not, roll 2D6, on 6+ the unit returned with the data. Otherwise, the unit is MIA for the combat and did not return with target defense data.

Informant: A flat fee to rebel informants of 100,000cr can always be paid to get recon information of the target.

Rebel Artillery: Using a series of liberated rocket batteries the Rebels have become adept at firing a few salvos from the mountains before abandoning the equipment and the eventual retribution. The Rebels may always elect before a battle to spend one initiative to get a (4|7) battery of 3 Arrow IV launchers firing cluster rounds 10 maps away. If on a spotting roll of 2-3, they have abandoned the tubes and cannot be used again for this battle.

We Have the Time: The Rebels may always opt to fight during the night or day when attacking.

Rebel Training: The Rebels may always opt during a week of inaction, to train the locals to fight. Doing so will create 1 (5 gunnery) XCF equipped rifle foot platoon of 28 men in the rebel service for free. They may recruit additional foot platoons for 10,000cr each for a maximum of 4. For an extra 30,000cr each, they may be standard SRM, LRM, or MG infantry.

Sabotage: During any week in which the Garrison opted to Loose Face, the Rebels may spend 1 initiative and sacrifice a Yunnah Rebel infantry unit to attempt to destroy the reconstruction effort. On a 4+ with a 1D6, the target remains destroyed. The rebels must choose how many attempts they will make against any 1 reconstruction before they roll.

Uprising: The Rebels may always spend an initiative to get 1d6+1 (4|7) XCF rifle foot platoons setup hidden at the target of choice when attacking. They setup after the Garrison has deployed.

Garrison Perks:

Rebel Scum: Captured enemy pilots and crew are killed even if they successfully eject but are on board at the end of combat.

Elastic Defense: Though units not assigned to a target do not start on the board, they arrive on the turn 10 minus the walking/cruising MP of the unit. Subtract 2 from the MP if it is any non-mech, non-VTOL MP unit. Add 1 to the MP if it is a mech with jumping MP. (IE a Wasp will respond to the conflict on turn 4, and a Awesome would arrive on turn 7). Aerospace assets always enter on turn 1 of the aerospace low altitude map so long as the starport is operational. Otherwise they enter on as normal with half fuel.

Artillery Parks: The Garrison may always opt to keep a unit off board if it started in Elastic Defense defending another target. That unit is assumed to be 6 map sheets away.

Divisional Support: For every turn after turn 10, the Garrison may roll a die. On a 6, a 4|5 Po Heavy tank has arrived on their side of the board and operates under forced withdrawal. After turn 15, the new Po Heavy tanks reinforcements become Behemoths.

"Surplus" Equipment: The Garrison may purchase any standard equipment at cost. Po Tanks may also be purchased on world (though experienced crews may not).

Loosing Face: The Garrison may give the Rebels a point of initiative during any non-combat week in return for allowing Quickscell corporation to hastily reconstruct a damaged target. The target takes 1 week to repair.

Air Superiority: So long as the starport is operational, the Rebels may not get any off world support after the first insertion and may not use hot drop rules even if they have a drop ship. They may not leave the world either using any means.

Questionable Loyalty:The Garrison may opt before scenario selection to payoff a rebel informant for 100,000cr. If so optioned, roll 1D6 and subtract the Rebel's current initiative. On a 3+, or a 6, an additional amount of equipment equal to the tonnage, or any 1 unit, already at the target (and may have even been deployed elsewhere) can setup hidden on the defender half of the board.


Garrison: The rebels always have the option to attack the garrison directly. If they do, the garrison will always deploy with all of its assets on his half of the board. After deployment, for every unit, roll 1d6. On a 5 the unit starts out in Elastic Defense and taken off the board. On a 6, it is on board and shutdown. It will activate on a 8+ during the end phase. In this scenario, roll for Divisional Support from Turn 1 on.
If the Garrison ops for the informant, they may still setup as normal with units shutdown and in Elastic Defense. However, units in Elastic Defense are instead setup hidden and the shutdown units may activate at the end phase of any turn.
Alternatively, if this mission is selected the Garrison has the option to forgo its Divisional Support and may instead do a stand up fight with the Rebels with all of its forces. In this Search and Destroy mission the rebels may setup half their units up hidden on their half of the board with the others. The garrison's informant has the effect of revealing 1d6 hidden units of the garrison's choice after they have deployed.

StarPort: The hub of commerce and the principle means of authoritative control over Yunnah. The Starport contains 500cf worth of hardened buildings that need to be destroyed for it to be considered inoperable. The Rebels earn 2 initiative for destroying.

Geo-Thermal Plant: This 300cf light building powers most of downtown Sindh. Loosing it would be a huge disgrace for the Garrison. The Rebels earn 2 initiative for destroying it. In addition, the elastic defense for the Garrison arrives 1 turn later than they normally would due to the diminished infrastructure. Civil unrest prevents the upgraded Behemoths from ever arriving in Divisional support as they are otherwise used in peace keeping, and instead get Po Heavy Tanks per normal.

Cappellan PR Building: A 100cf building located in down town Sindh, When not the focal points of parades and faux accolade, it's usually pretty sparsely defended. The Rebels earn 2 initiative for destroying it. In addition, when recruiting rebel infantry, they 1 free infantry in addition to the normal allotment.

The Quickscell Mines: A series of 50cf buildings in the northern mountain ranges, the Quickscell Mines present an easy prey for the Rebels. The Rebels earn 100,000cr for every destroyed building.

Insurrection Mission: If the Rebels have 7 or more initiative, they may attack the palace. The palace estate in the southern ranges represents the epitome of authority on Yunnah. It is a 400cf building that must not be destroyed. Rebel infantry must enter it and keep it free from Garrison control for 5 consecutive turns.

Garrison Operations:

Search And Destroy: The Garrison mobilizes into the wilderness to cut off their base of operations. The Mission is a standup fight, with all Rebel cargo at stake, against both forces unless the Rebels opt to flee. If they do, it becomes a chase and the Rebels must use cargo carrier rules regarding their own equipment. The Rebels loose an initiative if they withdraw for any reason, but gain 4 if they win the fight.

Cull the Unrest: The Garrison mobilizes to quell the rioters and suspected dissidents directly and permanently. A series of 2d6 30cf buildings must be nominated on the board. For every building destroyed, the Rebels loose 1 initiative. The Rebels use the "Elastic Defense" Garrison rules. If they have any Rebel trained Yunnah infantry, they setup in the buildings.

Emergency Evacuation: If the Rebel Initiative is -5 or greater, or the last fight was a Seach and Destroy where the Rebels lost, the Garrison may opt to shove the Rebel mercenary assets off world. Play the scenario using Chase rules with the Rebels using cargo carrier rules for their assets. However instead of exiting off board, the mercenaries must contract a sufficient number of drop ships for the emergency evacuation that begin play on the opposite board. Anything not collected before lift off is salvage for the Garrison.

Edit: 041911, Rebel Infantry recruitment numbers updated, increased. Garrison Informant altered to allow for use on a 6 and clarified hidden unit tonnage. Altered MP allowances in Elastic Defense. Free infantry allotment added for destroying the PR building. Geothermal plant altered to slow down response from Garrison, reduce the availability of assault tanks. Added Loosing Face for Garrison. Add Sabotage for the Rebels. Undefended targets and target resolution clarified. Artillery Park added for Garrison.
Edit: 050311, Changed rebel init scoring for causing forced withdrawals. Removed Rebel mandatory init loss. Added optional discretionary mission for garrison when it is the target of a Rebel attack (it boils down to having immediate support and shutdown units, or searching for the rebels with all your units and they setup hidden).
Edit: 061611, Kenny pointed out an artifact in the infantry process where the rebel infantry start out better than trained infantry. It's been fixed to 5 gunnery - no AntiMech Skill.

FWL: Insurrection

"The LIAO AGGRESSION must be stopped! At all costs if need be! While we, the proud citizens of our now fractured Free Worlds League, piddle away our time with our very own neighbors in pointless conflicts, the Cappellans have found the time to seize world after world of our very own birth right to seed their own desires in greed and malice! Just yesterday we received word on the HPG grid that Cappellan forces are martialling against the world of Suzano. Are their grain shortages not enough? A father must now choose between feeding his family or clothing them. Generous League aid shipments are arriving as fast as they can, but its not enough. And did they not suffer enough already when they overthrew their imposter dictator just 2 short years ago? Their price for freedom has already been paid in blood and sweat! Yet the LAIO, who seek only to increase their backwards fiefdom and bring us honest civilians into treacherous serfdom, wish to add another world to their family dynasty capitalizing on the spilled blood of honest League citizens. That very same father, whom is choosing between food and shelter, is now pressed to another end! Safety or DEATH! He must face enlistment in the planetary militia or face certain enslavement of his family to work in the Cappellan slave mines like so many before him! This CANNOT STAND! WE ARE THE LEAGUE! We do not stand by idly while so many good citizens face the axe of a cruel oppressor!

Fight them I say. Fight them in the air, on the ground, and on their very own soil!"
- Marcus Vigile, FWL Senator- interview from "Hamilton LIVE"

Sponsorship from various undisclosed agencies within the FWL are recruiting well equipped "aid workers" to perform "humanitarian" activities within the Cappellan Confederation world of Yunnah under a strict non-disclosure and non-official basis. Acceptance of contract in no way guarantees extraction or aid in event of failure.

Mission Type: Guerrilla Warfare
Resistance: Variable
Composition: Variable, Planetary Militia/Mercenaries
Refit: Field/Non-existant/Unsupported
Support: Initial insertion via Trans-Star Care Packages dropships. Local rebel support consisting of infantry.
Retainer per mission: None.
Bonus: 100Mcr to be paid on successful Insurrection.
Salvage: All
Length: Undetermined.

Mission pay depends on contract assignment taken.

CC: Anti-Insurgency

"Hello Tom this is Naomi speaking on site, We're entering day three of the standoff between the Yunnah miners union and the Quickscell corporation executives. Though neither side has come to an agreement on the working conditions in the northern mining ranges, the mining union has agreed to work temporarily until such an agreement can be made. Tensions have been high since the Cappellan edict to open up the mineral reaches of Yunnah, but it hasn't been without contest. Many of the peaceful people of Yunnah have begun resenting the influence of a government that has only recently shown interest in the world and the foreign influence it brings. Some have even taken up arms in the outer reaches and begun fighting the Cappellan peace keepers in earnest, raising the question of whether or not Quickscell could even maintain a presence in the face of a potential coup, or even maintain profitability. The Cappellan PR minisiter Shao-Sao Wuang has assured us that any resistance is 'Non-Existant' and 'The Product of Sensationalism'. He was also quoted as saying, 'Anyone linked to such non-traditional Cappellan thoughts should report to the political center in downtown Sindh for a questionnaire'. Back to you Tom."

The Cappellan Confederation has authorized the use of funds to supplement the search and eradication of rebel resistance on the world of Yunnah. Contract terms are expected to be light with extra payment made for combat assignments. Salvage is expected to stay with the local military, however contractees have an option to purchase the salvage at 50%.

Mission Type: Anti-Insurgency
Resistance: Variable
Composition: Rebels/Suspected Mercenaries
Refit: Field
Support: Planetary Garrison called upon by request.
Retainer per mission: 100,000cr per weight class. 10,000cr per weight class per non-engaged week or in the event of a non-successful defense.
Bonus: None.
Salvage: At 50% Cost after the first Divisional Garrison arrives.
Length: Undetermined.

World: Yunnah

World Name: Yunnah
Star Type: K3-III
Position in System: 6
Time to Jump Point: 3 days
Recharging Station: None
Population: 843,000
Allegiance: Cappellan

A largely uninhabited world, Yunnah recently became a large medical/repair/recovery world for persons and machines seriously injured in combat. It has the distinction of being relatively untouched during the Jihad and the center of attention because of it. An influx of tourism and industry to the world has encouraged the local populace to voice their previously unheard sentiments of the Cappellan Confederation.

Agricultural development is minimal, nor are there significant coordinated plans to develop the mineral loads in the vast mountain tracts that cover most of Yunnah's land area. Some seafaring activity exists on Yunnah, but it appears to be part of a quasi-religious movement based as much on spirititual harmony with the elements as on extracting a living from the sea.

Planetary Conditions (pg. 61 TacOps):
Yunnah is always enundated in a fairly cold winter like climate. Treat all non-paved hexes as containing thin snow.

Roll Twice (2D6) (once for time of day, again for condition):
Time of Day: 2-8: Day, 9-10: Night (Full Moon), 11-12: Night (Moon Less)

Freezing: The temperatures have dropped to -30C or more. Vehicles loose 1 cruise MP, non-XCT conventional infantry cannot be deployed, -1 heat for other units.

Wilderness: The map is considered to be covered in the vast overgrown taiga woods. All clear hexes are now considered level 1 woods and woods hexes are upgraded to heavy woods and ultra heavy respectively.

Thin Ice: All level 1 water hexes are covered in ice (see pg. 50 TacOps).
Thick Ice: All water hexes are covered in ice (see pg. 50 TacOps).

2 - Blizzard.
3 - Thick Ice, Freezing, Wilderness, Moderate Snow
4 - Thick Ice, Freezing, Wilderness, Light Snow
5 - Thick Ice, Freezing, Wilderness
6 - Thin Ice
7 - Clear
8 - Thin Ice
9 - Thick Ice
10 - Thick Ice, Freezing
11 - Thick Ice, Freezing, Deep Snow
12 - Thick Ice, Freezing, Wilderness, Deep Snow

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Rules:: Dropship Perks, IS repair

Immediate Disbursement:

During the week in which you used a dropship for transport, the cargo it carries can be used immediately for that week in the destination that it was sent.

Thematically though, I suggest hot drop missions from that ship and its mechs for the week.


The owner of a drop ship may always option for their mechs to be hot dropped onto the target area.


Mechs repaired with the dropship cubicle bays are always assumed to be available for mechs to be repaired up to the capacity you have available. I.E. 4 cubicles can repair 4 mechs for that week. This allows the mods for dropship repairs to be used when otherwise field or worse may be used.

Field IS Repair:

Internal structure repair (and limb replacement) can now be done in the field when dropship or better facilities are present. Doing so must be announced on the campaign impulse that it will done in and takes the mech (and respective cubicle) out of service for the duration of that week.

Notes: These are some things we've been discussing, hopefully it will bring some use to dropships and keep more mechs in the fight longer. ( and you know... actually document this stuff.)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sunday Orders:: 041011

Sunday Orders:: 041011

Assassin ASN-21 arrives on Outreach using civilian shipping.

$353,000cr is spent in civilian shipping sending the company back to Outreach.

Turtle Bay's MON-66 and STG-5R make it to Outreach using civilian shipping.

$240,000cr is spent in civilian shipping sending the company back to Outreach.

The bulk of Itar's Aces' equipment make it to Outreach successfully using civilian shipping.


Moonlit Wind and Turtle Bay Irregulars are dispatched on Al Duwayd to halt the last desperate attempt by the pirate clans to leave the world. Reduced through constant infighting to a core group of regulars and the well equipped members of Rodney's Raiders personal contingent, the band made a raid on a local dropship component warehouse in an attempt to replace critical maneuver drive components that had been damaged in a tragic Mr. Pibb related accident and prevented the dropship Misdemeanor from fully acting in the conflict in the skies above.

This fortuitous drink spillage had cast the Misdemeanor from becoming orbital wreckage and into a potential last saving grace for the Pirates. This is a desperate gamble for the now loosely aligned group. Loosing here means an eventual confrontation with a DCMS firing squad. They do not operate under forced withdrawal.

The local militia is operating a Calliope in the area. But between their indiscriminate firing discipline and poor training they unreliably hit nearly everything in their vicinity.

Due to the ponderous and slow nature of the assault mech that the Turtle Bay Irregulars fielded, the Pirates got a free turn of movement. They seized the initiative with early grabs at the parts contained within the warehouses.

The battle goes well for the Pirates at first as the handless mechs are bid into the meat grinder to buy time while the more capable machines raid the warehouse. But time runs out as the machines are reduced to slag and the Turtle Bay Irregulars begin to take the hands off of all the remaining raiding mechs. The Turtle Bay Awesome pays its weight back many times over, absolutely raking the armor off of every Pirate mech under its cross hairs.

But the Pirate's pull part after part off in multiple runs as they run interference against the main body of mercenary units. It comes down to the wire with the battle nearly lost for the Mercenaries when Moonlit Wind attempts to cripple the remaining mech with hands in a charge.

He fails. And assessing the damage, the Moonlit Wind subsequently withdraws from the field.

Pressing on the attack the Turtle Bay Irregulars hold the field dealing crippling blows to the rest of the Pirate forces, but not before pressing hard to stop the remaining Pirate Pheonix Hawk with their damaged Commando in one last bid to turn the tide, and loosing it in return fire.

The Pirates just barely get the parts they need and flee off world.

Moonlit Wind earns 120k (60k TBT-5N, 30k JR7-F, 30k PNT-9R) in retainer for the mission.

Turtle Bay Irregulars earns 210k (120k AWS-8Q, 60k DV-6M, 30k COM-2D) in retainer for the mission. A bonus of 600,000cr is paid out for destroying 60 tons of Pirate assets. In addition for holding the field, they now have a damaged custom Locust and a Whitworth WTH-1H.

All pilots get 1xp. Ayami Kyudo gets an extra XP for noble but flawed heroism in what could have been the defining moment of resistance. "Mark Walhberg" and the Commando Pilot both get an extra for displaying above par heroism and, in the case of the Awesome, nearly holding the entire flank by himself. (Can you kindly send me the names of your pilots again?) :)

As the campaign has ended, the escrow accounts are paid out and the mercenaries are kindly asked to leave the hollowed Draconis ground immediately.

Note: (This can be redressed to different locations, I'm assuming a trip back to Outreach for refit. A new campaign will be setup shortly. Also, restate any sales now that the actual mechs are on Outreach in case you changed your mind.)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Sunday Orders:: 040311


Moonlit Wind recruits Ally Mae 4|5 and Yuk Foo 4|5 on Outreach, $300,000cr. A jenner leg for a JR7-D was purchased on Outreach for $316,192cr.

Also purchased on Ad Duwayd:
15t Standard Armor $187.5k
4 Heat Sinks $10k

Assassin ASN-21 to Outreach $45k.

Total Costs: $858,692cr

Turtle Bay Irregulars ships its Stinger STG-5R and Mongoose MON-66 back to Outreach. Civilian transport costs $45,000cr. Mention was made to purchasing equipment off of local market to repair mechs. The clerks assume its 20 tons of standard armor @ 12.5k each.

Itar's Aces pulls most of its forces off of Blue Hole toward Outreach leaving behind the Black Knight and the spare hardware. Civilian transport costs $155,000.00.


Itar's Aces (Gordon) hot dropped onto Blue Hole interdicting a Clan Jade Falcon Recon element (Kenny).

Putting up stern resistance the Itar's Aces punish the clan with an early loss of a Dasher and brutalizing a Puma. In return the mercenaries face nearly crippling damage across the board. Rebuked at the river crossing the Puma makes a running gun battle and narrowly escapes off the board to complete its objective. The Cougar avoids the river and swings wide right. The mercenary Clint attempts to interdicts the Cougar and ends up in a gun to gun battle with it. Despite the heroism he looses the mech in the attempt.

The clan succeed in taking most of their forces across the board for a marginal victory. The clan commander avoids being thrown out the air lock for what started out as a near catastrophe.

Itar's Aces earned $900,000cr paid out immediately since he is withdrawing. Salvage was one Dasher Prime. Itar's aces earned Jolanta 3|4 as a bondsman to Itar (went ahead and rolled for it, 8+, rolled 8. Gordon made a good point about it and it has literary precedent. Though in the future there may be more concrete rules, feel free to suggest any.). All pilots earn 1xp with the Clint pilot (Cortex?) getting another for his aggression.

Moonlit Wind earned $500,000cr (retainer for 5 light assets) for playing OpFor and winning.

Edit: 4/4/11 13:43 - Change up in shipping for Itar's Aces, Incorrect shipping tonnage.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ad Duwayd:: Immediate Dispersment




SOURCE A: *STATIC/GUN FIRE SOUNDS* We're pulling back. We aren't getting paid to die here! We've lost Bruce, James, Chase*STATIC*Nick is still missing... *STATIC*
SOURCE B: Hold your position Robinson-If you and your men don't hold the mercenaries back we won't have time to repair the Misdemeanor or the Belligerent!
SOURCE A: Negative, we give you enough time and you'll leave without us! JES*STATIC*
SOURCE B: Hold them back and on the Vigilante Justice's honor we will-
SOURCE A: -BURY OUR CORPSES? You cons never meant to get us out of here! They brought a damned Awesome! AN ASSAULT MECH! It took James's leg off! We're against ASSAULT MECHS Rodney!
SOURCE B: -So help me if I see you or your crew here before the techs finish the maneuver drives, I will order the drop ships to shoot you my self.
SOURCE A: Same difference to me and my men, we're coming back!
SOURCE B: We're dispatching the remains of Far Land's men. Just buy us more TIME!
SOURCE A: Say what you will, we're- I'M -not dying on this sad rock.



Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mercenary Company: Itar's Aces

Black Knight BL-12-KNT $7,460,250
Blackjack BJ-3 $3,592,375
Clint CLNT-2-3U $3,951,080
Vulcan VT-5M $3,789,100

Itar 3/4
Apollo 3/5 $210000
Cortex 4/5 $150000
Fugly 3/5 $210000

MG Ammo 1 tons 1000
armor standard $10k/ton 8 tons 80000
Medium Laser 4 160000
PPC 1 200000
Medium Pulse Laser 2 120000
Small Laser 1 11250
double heat sinks 5 30000
Single heat sinks 2 4000

Total $19,696,055
Treasury: $30,945


Monday, March 21, 2011


Feel free to make a better banner.


CPLT-C1 Catapult! 3014 PRODUCTION! RUNS LIKE NEW! $4,999,999.00
CGR-1A1 Charger! PICK UP CHICKS! $6,499,999.00


Sunday Orders:: 032011



031911 Al Duwayd: An unamed mercenary group and the Moonlit Wind took on pirate clan resistance during a moderate rain. Resistance proved stiff at first but Mercenary command took the field claiming a Blackjack, Firestarter, Stinger-5R, Jenner, Assassin, and a Mongoose. Most captures were the result of leg failures, and in one instance, an Awesome completely taking the leg off a mech in a single kick.

Pirates are making a play at hitting the light assets on the right flank, its a gamble.

Image Hosted by

And the gamble is lost, the pirate light assets make a stand to make time for the slow mediums to make it off the board. They pay for it with their lives.

Mercenary losses were light. No mobility kills were recorded but Moonlit Wind suffered extensive damage to one of its Panthers and a significant level of damage to its Grand Dragon.

And not quite the mech I remember, but hey, still... it... is... my... favorite mech.

Unnamed Mercs gets 210,000cr in escrow for fielding 1 Assault (120k), 1 Medium (60k) and 1 Light (30k). Bonus payment for destroying a Firestarter (350k) and a Stinger (200k) comes to 550,000cr.

Moonlit Wind gets 270,000cr in escrow for fielding 1 Heavy (90k), 1 Medium (60k) and 3 lights (120k). Bonus payment for destroying an Assassin (400k), Jenner(350k), Blackjack (450k), and Mongoose(250k) totals to 1,450,000cr.


All participating pilots get 1xp, the Commando pilot and the Ronin Ryu Taigi earn an extra 1 point for their valor.

032211 Edit: Updated for Kenny pointing out the Assassin kill.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Mercenary Company: Moonlit Wind


Previous officer and mechwarrior to the DC military, Ryu Taigi was injured in the last engagement he served with the military. Due to an extended period in the hospital and recouping from his wounds, the DCMS discharge Ryu.

After a year recovery, Ryu Taigi titled himself Ronin and with his pension and a moderate loan, established the Moonlit Wind (Tsukikage Kaze) Mercenary Company.

The company started with him, and two fellow officers from the DCMS, peer Ayami Kyudo and a recon pilot Satomi Usagi. In a few short sorties for the DCMS, Ryu Taigi acquired the finances to field two green pilots, Tomo Tenshi and Nobuo Dorobo, as well ordered two refurbished Panther from the DCMS.

Now, the Moonlit Wind Merc. Company left DC territory and set up a base of operation on Outreach, bidding its service, strength, and honor to whomever pays.





Grand Dragon DRG-1G


Trebuchet TBT-5N


Jenner JN7-F


Panther PNT-9R


Panther PNT-9R


Mech/Vehicle Total


Ronin Ryu Taigi (Crackshot I, Survivor) 3|4


Ayami Kyudo 3|5


Satomi Usagi 4|4


Tomo Tenshi 4|5


Nobuo Dorobo 4|5


Personal Total


2x PPC


5x Medium Lasers


1x LRM-15


1x LRM-10


1x SRM-4


Parts Total


2t SRM-4


2t LRM-15


1t LRM-10


Ammo Total


Total Expenditures




Thursday, March 17, 2011

Inception: Example "Veln's Vindicators"

Name: Veln's Vindicators
Background: Encouraged to spend their remaining cash prudently after accruing a string of crushing gambling debts, the Veln's Vindicators mercenary company is little more than a cover for the real reason they chose to ride in war machines. Their occasionally well armed debtors insist that they have outstanding business to discuss.

Leader: Veln Befian (3/4) (Caffeine Junky, Watch Your Back, Confusion)

Starting Funds: 20Mcr

Starting Purchases:
Stinger STG-3R $ 1,614,240.00
Vindicator VND-3L $ 3,524,370.00
Crusader CRD-7L $ 6,277,260.00
Crusader CRD-7L $ 6,277,260.00
Total $17,693,130.00 (2,306,870.00 remaining)

Mechwarrior ("Apone" - 4/5)$150,000.00
Mechwarrior ("Vasquez" -4/5)$150,000.00
Mechwarrior ("Hicks" - 4/5)$150,000.00
Total $750,000.00 (1,556,870.00 remaining)

10 Tons LRM-15 Ammo $ 300,000.00
2 Tons Machine Gun Ammo $ 2,000.00
5 Tons Streak SRM4 Ammo $ 270,000.00
10 Tons Std. Armor $ 100,000.00
5 Tons Stealth Armor $ 250,000.00
3 Md. Lasers $ 120,000.00
Total $1,042,000.00 (514,870 remaining)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Falcon Incursion

World Name: Blue Hole
Star Type (Recharge Time): K7V (198 hours)
Position in System: 4th
Time to Jump Point: 3.70 days
Number of Satellites: None
Atm. Pressure: Standard (Breathable)
Surface Water: 67 percent
Recharging Station: Zenith
HPG Class Type: B

Gravity: 0.81g
Atmosphere: Caustic/Tainted (pg. 56 TacOps)
Average Temperature: 41 Degrees Celsius (Warm-Temperate)
Onsite Stores: 3025 tech at 200% cost.

Mission Type: Defense
Resistance: Average (+0%)
Composition: Clan Jade Falcon/ Front Line
Confidence: Good (+/- 5%)
Refit: Maintenance Facility (-2)
Retainer per mission: 100,000cr/per weight class
Bonus: Retainer times number of successful missions (minimum 0). To be paid on extraction.
Salvage: Lights and Mediums
Length: Undetermined.

Falcon raids have begun all along the Lyran border in what is expected to be a push on the temperate back water world of Blue Hole. Mercenary contracts are being filled as fast as they can be assigned to provide a stalwart resistance to this dangerous foe. Casualties are expected to be high. Lyran command is preparing for a long war of attrition and is committing a wide variety of resources to meet the clan threat. The battlescape is currently fluid. Airspace in the theater is in contention.

Backup conventional assets from the Lyrans will be deployed in assistance of mercenary commands needing backup in the form of random heavy tank platoons at the cost of 100,000cr per tank and 300,000cr per assault tank.

Planetary Conditions (pg. 61 TacOps):

2 - Night, Moonless
3 - Night, Moonless
4 - Night, Moonless
5 - Moderate Rain
6 - Clear
7 - Clear
8 - Clear
9 - Clear
10 - Clear
11 - Clear
12 - Night, Moonless, Moderate Rain

Current Mercenaries on Contract:

Static Defense

This is a special mission available to all contractors and is meant to be a sort of cheap down time.

Units assigned to a static defense mission must be declared and goes into effect the sunday it was declared. Those units are then assumed to be performing mundane defense contracts for that week and are within immediate resupply from Outreach (no need to track munitions... etc.).
Static defenses can be purchased and installed with any unit that has performed static defenses for more than 1 week. Static defenses take 1 week to install.

The pay is a flat 10,000cr per weight class for the week with no option for enemy salvage.

Opposing Forces:
As an option, other mercenary commands may take up OpFor at their discretion (or whim). In such an event, OpFor will consist of 70% to 120% (determined randomly, try 60% + 1d6 x 10%) of the defending player's unit tonnage (not installations). Of this tonnage, OpFor may select a random (non-Clan) unit table and roll till the appropriate tonnage has been fullfilled.

Alternatively, he may instead deploy any units he has on Outreach. Though unless stated otherwise, this is done "pro bono" with no chance at enemy salvage.

For every 15 unit tons that the defending player deployed, play a CF 30 building on the board arrayed however the defender chooses.

OpFor decides which of the following missions are played after buildings are placed.

Recon Raid:
Defender starts with half his units shutdown. They activate on a 5+ in the end phase.

Defender gets 5 points for every enemy unit destroyed.
Attacker gets one point once for every building that one of their units gets within 3 hexes of in the end phase.
Attacker gets 2 points for every building destroyed.

Defender sets up half his units hidden.
Attacker wins if half the buildings are destroyed or the defender retreats.

The defender continues to get his flat pay if he wins. If he looses the engagement, he receives nothing for that week.
If OpFor wins he gets the value of the defender's pay for that week's defense contract.

Ad Duwayd:: Pirate Hunting

World Name: Ad Duwayd
Star Type: M8-IV
Position in System: 2
Time to Jump Point: 6 days
Recharging Station: None
Planetary Chairman: Murrabi Shor
StarPort Class: A
Population: 1,063,000
Water Coverage: 42%
Percentage and Level of Native Life: 5%, Insect

Gravity: 0.91g
Atmosphere: Caustic/Tainted (pg. 56 TacOps)
Average Temperature: 25 Degrees Celsius
Onsite Stores: 3052 tech at 150% cost.

Mission Type: Search and Destroy
Resistance: Poor (-10%)
Composition: 3025/Mechs
Confidence: Good (+/- 5%)
Refit: Maintenance Facility (-2)
Retainer per mission: 30,000cr/per weight class
Bonus: 10,000 X unit tonnage destroyed.
Salvage: Yes
Length: Till 4/3

Ad Duwayd is an unpleasant and relatively barren world. It is known mostly for its ceaseless cloudy skies, acid rains and poor atmosphere. This quality has garnered Ad Duwayd the reputation of being the dumping ground of society and remains largely unvisited by even local travelers. Significant political unrest has plagued the administration of Ad Duwayd in recent years and is characterized by their complaints of a dissonant, culturally removed, and unsympathetic regional government.

Recently pirates have been using Ad Duwayd as a base of operations from within the Inner Sphere from which they have been launching attacks along the Qandahar Prefecture. Although the pirate naval assets have been largely routed from the system, and their morale and command chain broken by the DCMS, A significant but disorganized force has been dug in on Ad Duwayd with speculative local support. Tackling the remaining pirate clans rooted on Ad Duwayd has been left to mercenary contracts on an as needed basis.

Planetary Special Condition:
The clouds of Ad Duwayd present a special condition for sorties through it's atmosphere by way of interference. Treat all hexes of the low level altitude map as though shooting through light woods.

Planetary Conditions (pg. 61 TacOps):
2 - Night, Heavy Rain, Moonless
3 - Night, Moonless
4 - Night, Moonless
5 - Moderate Rain
6 - Clear
7 - Clear
8 - Clear
9 - Light Gale
10 - Moderate Rain
11 - Heavy Rain
12 - Gusting Rain

Current Mercenaries on Contract:

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

XP, Healing, Salvo Size


Experience points are gained per Total Warfare pg. 40. XP can be spent on either quirks or skills.


Assuming there is a rest and refit sequence between games, pilots are assumed to heal 2 wounds. Between campaigns, pilots fully heal.

Salvo size home rule:

Salvo size roll gets a plus mod equal to how many points the pilot is below 4.

Salvage, Selling


Salvaged units immediately fielded with the pilot from another unit of the same type during a campaign gain the trait “Confused”.


At the beginning of every turn roll a D6. For every increment over the turn number he applies that mod to all rolls. The ”Confused” trait is lost any time the pilot successfully rolls a 1 on the first turn or whenever the campaign ends.

Selling Equipment:

For simplicity sake all units that haven’t had any equipment removed that are shipped back to Outreach are worth 75% of the sale price if it still has 75% of its original movement points. It’s worth 50% if it has 1 movement point. And it’s worth 25% if it is technically not immobilized. It’s worth 10% as scrap otherwise. All of this assumes it is still a fieldable unit and isn't missing something like a cockpit of the center torso wasn't cored. It's worth mentioning that units destroyed in ammo explosions or are cored out in area effect weapons are not salvageable per StratOps.

All equipment sells back to the market at a quarter of its value.

Repairs, Reloads, Customs


After every battle, it is assumed that the players have some method of recouping from the last battle unless otherwise stated (such as after disastrous defensive actions or botched planetary landings). After every battle, new critical hits can be repaired on a roll of 7+ modified by the conditions found on page 171 of the StratOps book. A failed roll means that the equipment cannot be rigged back into functioning and needs to be replaced wholesale at cost. Internal structure can never be repaired in the field and requires a factory environment to take place. It is mended automatically on Outreach for free. Missing and replacement internal sections that have been completely destroyed need to be purchased per StratOps pg. 180. These sections are too time consuming to be replaced in the field and must be done at Outreach. Armor is replaced in whole ton lots. All repairs are assumed to be instantly completed and ready for the next game.


Ammo is replaced in whole ton lots or not at all.


Class A and Class B refits (pg. 188 StratOps) are perfectly acceptable and capable of being performed at Outreach should the player have the equipment to do them. Attempting to do them in the field requires a repair roll, failure just means the mech is out of action for that week and for any remaining games.

Something more significant such as a Class C or Class D requires a custom order from the factories and distributors of Outreach. Such orders requires a week with the unit in question and 20% of the final unit cost plus the cost of the equipment. The unit gains the quirk, “Working the kinks out”. The unit looses “Working the kinks out” after a week and on a successful repair roll while at Outreach (only 1 roll per week) or after rolling less than the number of games the unit has been used in during deployment with a 2d6.

Custom unit fabrication can be done by paying a 25% service charge for the first unit and 15% over cost for every unit after that for that order. These units gain the quirk, “Working the kinks out”. These units loose “Working the kinks out” after 2 weeks and on a successful repair roll while at Outreach (only 1 roll per 2 weeks) or after rolling less than the number of games the unit has been used in during deployment with a 2d6. If any of the units have successfully worked the kinks out, and still works, future orders of that unit do not have this quirk.

Working the kinks out:

At the beginning of every game, roll for the result of floating critical(s). Ammo bins and weapons do not explode, they merely cannot be used or ejected for the duration of the fight. On a result of 12, in addition to the 3 criticals, the unit starts the game shutdown and needs a piloting roll on the end of every turn to continue operating or shutdown again. These effects do not carry from game to game and must be re-rolled every time.

Updated: 032311